3 Reasons To Prime Your Concrete Pump

Concrete is one of the most versatile materials used in construction today. Concrete can be poured and formed into a wide range of shapes and sizes.

In order for concrete to retain its versatility, the pump used to move a concrete slurry from the mixing tank through the boom or pipeline must be primed.

Concrete pump primers play a critical role in determining the strength, affordability, and ease of installation of concrete structures.

Learn more about the important benefits that a primer provides so that you will recognize the value of using a priming material each time you pump concrete in the future.

1. Lubricate the Pump

A concrete pump is made of many moving parts. Each of these parts must be able to maintain a full range of motion in order for the pump to operate efficiently.

Concrete primers are designed to help lubricate the moving parts in the pump.

The lubrication provided by a primer prevents excessive wear and tear, which allows you to extend the life of your concrete pump well into the future.

2. Wet the Pipe or Boom

Concrete primer also acts to help wet the interior surfaces of a pipe or boom. Wetting these surfaces is essential if you want to maintain a consistent flow rate when pouring concrete.

The primer product creates a slick layer inside the pipe or boom. This layer helps to keep your concrete slurry flowing properly so that you don't compromise the quality of your finished concrete product.

Without a quality priming product, dry pipe and boom interiors could cause your concrete slurry to plug up the delivery system.

3. Reduce Operating Pressure

You don't want pressure to build unfettered when you are pouring concrete using a pipe or boom. High operating pressure can cause the delivery of your concrete slurry to become erratic.

When pressure levels exceed the manufacturer's recommendations, you run the risk of having your concrete pump overheat and experience complete mechanical failure.

A primer product eliminates any sticking points within the pipe or boom. This prevents aggregate particles from building up in these areas and restricting the flow of the concrete slurry.

Operating pressures should remain low as long as the slurry moves efficiently through the pipe or boom. Using a quality primer will help you protect your concrete pump against failure and maintain a more consistent operating pressure for the duration of your concrete project.
